
Set Windows IME via Registry

Set Windows USER IME via Registry

->  USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload

"1" -> Default
"2" -> as you wish


00000404 英文
e0010404 注音
e0020404 倉頡
e0030404 速成
e0060404 大易
e0080404 新注音
e0090404 新倉頡



HP SAS SFF dual port vs. single port HDD

What is difference between dual and single port HDD? 

-- from HP forum:

If you install the SAS drive in a Proliant it does not matter if you installa a SP or DP drive since only one port will be used by the smart array controller. 

Dual port (DP) drives are intended for redundantly connected configurations like with the MSA60 and 70 and if SAS drives are used in the backend of a storage array like the MSA2000. 

note: Dual Port... "will only support HP-UX and OpenVMS environments and will be available on selected HP Integrity Servers only."

So for win/proliant users the dual port, as of today, provides no benefit.