諾大的 Amsterdam Schiphol機場, 在問過好多人之後, 終於還是讓我自己給騎了出來..
不知道是不是因為時差的關係, 腦袋一整個頓掉, 雖然有麥斯給我的地圖, 但這一路往 Amsterdam 市區的過程, 問過的路人無數, 每個人報的路線也不同, 最重點是照著圖跟騎著路還是有不一樣的!
而且每個人對我說的最後一句, 90% 都說 『 Good Luck! 』
Yes, I am Lucky! 終於.. 我還是找到了 Warmshower Mieke 的家..
撐到了當地時間的 22:17.. 台灣這時是 4:17..
我真的不行了.. 今天找路的過程中, 幾乎已經騎遍了市區,
7 則留言:
柯羅莎強颱直撲台灣,16級強陣風暴風半經300公里... 宿舍風大雨大吵到不能睡,就算把窗戶都鎖上了雨還是噴進來!
Good Luck! 不要走丟了,否則小菜會去報案的!
ㄜ... 昨天在市區逛了一家單車店, 看到一台 Giant Boulder 標價是€399 , 台灣一台不過七千多.. 換算一下 這台是一萬七以上ㄌㄟ...
啊我那台台灣標價是12000多... 這...
I got in a city,Lingen where is nearby "Nordhorn" now.
I should ride more 24km to get there-Nordhorn.If you´d like to cycle together,I hope you can go the city-"Lingen" today.Because raining and I'm very tired,I'd like to stay here today.
PS.I couldn't read the yahoo mail,so if you keep contact with me,you can leave message here.
The weather became well now,I`ll keep going to Nordhorn this afternoon.
I`ll check your message again when I get there.Without your message,I`ll keep down to the southwest route to Paris,I won`t go the "far and flat" way.
see u
I saw the map again and againand finally I found the place Giethoorn ,where nearby Steenwijk.I think I can arrive there tomorrow.So you should stay there to wait for me.(in Lingen10/8 15:08)
Dear sister:
I am now at Dronten, this is a very lovely place to stay.
I think you shold go to meet me at this place.
I give you the address or if you reach this town,
Gaffelstraat 23, Dronten
Phone number: 0321-310015
I'll stay here tomorrow(10/9). You can come to meet me here.
The host is very lovely.
Bellow is the map.